I got #catcalled the other day. He called me #ladyboss! What a surprising unsolicited comment it was! Channel that inner #CEO ladies, and walk down the street with your head high. #entrepreneurlife #SecondWorld October 14, 2014By VKPUncategorized
This is where the magic happens. I can dig it. #workspace #NYC #entrepreneur life. October 13, 2014By VKPUncategorized
Check out my interview with the fabulous and #conscious @rosariodawson on behalf of the #ethical #fashion revolution @FashionablyFair and a special covert lingerie project as well ;) http://bit.ly/ZyA2az #NYFW #SecondWorld #ConsciousShopping #tasteofny October 10, 2014By VKPUncategorized
Let’s play a game. Instead of “Where’s Waldo?” “Where’s Valerie?” @Techical.ly Brooklyn and #CoFoundersLab #entrepreneuronamission #ValerieParker October 10, 2014By VKPUncategorized
#FutureLeadersofEcommerce #Hatchery VIP #ecommerce panel at #Microsoft #NYC #RalphLauren #TheEmob #Loreal #StellaService #Scientificly @thehatchery #fashiontech #beauty #SecondWorldMovement #ValerieKParker October 9, 2014By VKPUncategorized
#makers making. There I am in the orange blazer feeding off the energy of a room full of #ladieswhocode. Want to code a better world? Inquire within at www.Second-World.com. #CodeMontage #developers #codingforgood #socialenterprise #fashiontech #NYC #boldwomen #SecondWorldMovement #ValerieKParker #womenwhocode #girlswhocode October 6, 2014By VKPUncategorized